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Click to view Looking for Lost Men, Dean Bright’s research, as a pdf in spreadsheet format. [Note: this is an 11MB file]

POW information:

Their names appear in the scrolling box below, or the dropdown menu.

Click the gold initials to filter them by last name.

Filtered by the initial K: Clear Filter.

Choose a name to call up the information we have on that POW in this box.

John O Kadar John Kader David Kakac Clayton V Kallander (Dr) John H Kamps Jimmie Kanaya Stephen W Kane Robert L Kanipe Victor Kanners Carl J Kasper Meyer Kastan Erwin R Kaufman Herbert R Kaun Edward Kazarian Jack D Kazebeer Bartley E Kearins Delmer C Keck Robert D Keeler Walter E Keenan Walter I Keisel Martin E Keiser Robert M Keith Richard H Kellahan William T Kelley Metzie J Kelly Arnold P Kelm Orville Kelman Harmon S Kelsey William T Kelso Collins W Kendrick Jr Duane S Kennedy Gibson B Kennedy James W Kent John J Kent Jr William K Kerfoot Samuel Kesler Merton R Kibler William P Kielmeyer Charles Kierniesky George E Kiley Virgil D Kilgore Richard W Kimball Charles L Kincheloe Kenneth King Roy L King Wilbur H King David T Kingston Harry F Kirby Eugene P Kirk Orville K Kirkpatrick Edward B Kitchens Clarion J Kjeldseth Brooks E Kleber Jack W Klepper William R Kleysteuber Stanley F Klimuszka Chester B Klingerman Ray J Klinkenborg Austin L Knapp Gerald E Knight James J Koch Steven J Kochy Edmund F Koli (Bill) William B Korber Harold F Korger Edward Korn Charles W Kouns Vladimir B Kovac Andrzeij Kozakowski John Kozey Jr Robert C Kozuch Robert W Krall Robert L Kramer Andrew J Krepela Charles T Krol Jr Gus J Kroschewsky Harvey C Kubista John D Kuligoski Edgar H Kummer Paul A Kunkle Joseph T Kusmierz Walter J Kwolek
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About This Page...

The data for this roster was provided by Bob Thompson and Dean Bright. It was originally researched and created by Herb Garris and Clarence Meltesen with information from the Defense Department. This database is hosted by The Hillbilly Geek.
For database corrections, please contact us here. Last update: 18 September/24.

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