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Click to view Looking for Lost Men, Dean Bright’s research, as a pdf in spreadsheet format. [Note: this is an 11MB file]

POW information:

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Donald W Caard Robert D Cable Francis C Callahan James F Callahan Michael J Calpin Craig D Campbell Joseph L Campbell John E Cannon Rodger Cannon Oscar C Cantrell Richard C Carder Samuel Carlick Ivan Carlisle Earl W Carlson Harry A Carlson John W Carlson Paul N Carnes Phillip J Caroselli James H Carpenter (Jack) John B Carpenter Richard W Carrier Harold J Carroll Amon G Carter Jr Robert D Carter Robert F Cary Horace A Casner August J Casper John Cassatt Ernest M Cassidy (Gene) Eugene A Castle Albert N Cecil Jr James J Cecka Jose D Cedillo Maurice Chandler William S Chaney Edward J.F. Chapin George G Chapman Glenn D Chapman Donald M Chappel Jr Roy J Chappell Jr Howard A Charlton Robert M Cheal Robert L Cheatham Jr Leonard F Cheatle James N Cherrick Marvin F Chevalier Elmer P Childers Irving Chofnas Carl P Christensen Robert C Christensen Milton A Christofferson Anthony Chrzanowski Anthony J Cipriani Pierre L Clair Raymond V Clampitt Francis Clark Wayne C Clark W R Clatworthy Harold P Claus Carmen F Clawson Eugene Clegg David W Clifton James Lee Clingan Rodney F Cloutman Clifford E Cobb George A Cobb James L Cockrell Carl F Coffey Douglas J Cole Newton R Cole James W Coles Frank H Colley James S Collopy Martin J Colson Roy H Comstock William C Comstock Robert H Conant James H Conroy Robert W Conwell Charles A Cook Jr John E Cook William N Cook William H Cooke William C Cool James D Cooney James W Copes David G Copping William J Corbett Frank H Corbin Robert L Corbin (Bill) Rolland W Corbin James Corcoran Thomas E Corcoran Lawrence J Corley Jack R Corrie William R Cory Ralph B Coss Michael F Cotter William L Coughlin Richard W Covert James B Cox Robert G Cox William A Cracraft Harold D Craft William S Crain John L Cramer Jr Albert J Crandall Robert W Crandall Horace J Cranmer John M Crawford Ralph E Crawford Robert C Crawford John L Creech Joseph W Creeden Henry N Crellin Brendan G Crennan Daniel W Crist David E Crocker Henry J Cronin Thomas E Crooks Franklyn J Crosby Leslie H Cross Donald E Crossland John C Crown John C Culler Jr Atlee B Culley Edwin A Cummings Ellsworth Cundiff (Jim) James R Cunningham Jr James K Cupit Roy W Cureton Michael J Curran Ralph E Currin Warren T Curtis
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About This Page...

The data for this roster was provided by Bob Thompson and Dean Bright. It was originally researched and created by Herb Garris and Clarence Meltesen with information from the Defense Department. This database is hosted by The Hillbilly Geek.
For database corrections, please contact us here. Last update: 18 September/24.

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