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Kastan, Meyer 2nd Lt : 1325093
133 Inf 34 ID
19 October 1944 1-Jan-45 Zena, Italy
Oflag 64 RMC
Keith M Abbott Louis Abdu Wilbert A Abel Harry H Abrahams Henry P Ackerman Joseph D Adams John Addison Frederick A Ade William T Aikin Joseph C.L. Ainsworth John J Aires James W Ake Wallace Leon Akin Richard A Alberts Robert N Alday John T Alden Albert G Alderton Howard V Alexander John E Alexander Jr. William A Alexander (Jerry) Edward J Alexis James Dyce Alger John D Allardice Ervin D Allen Larry Allen Charles R Allison Norman L Alloway John R Allred Robert G Altman Mateo P Alvarado Benedict Vincent Amato Otto Carl Amerell Lyle W Amy James W Anastos Everette R Anderson Gunnar A Anderson Jack W Anderson Mays W Anderson Ralph W Anderson Norman S Angel William H Angevine Ernest D Ankrom Adro J Annala Louis Annunziata Edward Anthony Rodney W Applegate Armando Arias Harold W Armstrong Robert L Aschim Carey E Ashcraft Frank N Aten John B Austin Joseph A Austin S M Awramir Peter D Ayling Stockbridge Bacchus Jr Abraham Badler Lyle H Baer John M Bagwell Nelson Bailey Stanley S Bailey Silas Bailin Edward A Baker Fred Rogers Baker Malcolm A Baldwin Jr Eugene H Ball James A Ball James W Bancker Walter E Bare Jr George R Barfoot James W Barker Norman M Barker Steve A Barkovic Orville L Barks James W Barnes William H Barnum III William J Barr Richard Barrera Joseph F Barrett Jr Gaines J Barron Dale S Barton Jr Abraham L Batalion James M Bates Edward G Batte Gerhard E Baum John Beach (Stud) George D Beasley Raymond Beaucar Richard F Becker Carl G Bedient Maurice D Bedwell Jr William H Beemer Ellis N Beesley Amos F Beffa Willard F Begin John H Belcher Dean H Bell Frank W Bell William J Bella Frank A Bennett James R Benson Marvin E Benton Gordon C Berg Eben C Bergman Edward T Berlinski Burdette F Berry James B Berry Alexander Bertin Walter D Bertsche Robert Berwick Jr Daryl G Betten Edwin James Betts Edgar J Bezotte James F Bickers Stanley R Biernacki Clarence W Bierwerth Charles T Bigbie Joseph Bilder Jr Clarence Billings Roy A Binger Jr Billy Bingham Robert Bingham Virgil H Bird Stephen J Bires Ernest W Birkett Wilbur W Bishop Russell P Bissman Clark B Bittner Lewis F Bixby Jean R Blaisse Arlo R Blanchard Vernon L Blank William Blank Ernest L Blanton Robert Blatherwick Carl M Blevins Jules N Bloch Alex B Bloom Seymour Bluhm Roman L Blusius John H Boe Julian E Boggess Jr Woodrow W Boggess Vernon Q Bogle Alfred W Bohny Seymour R Bolten Bernard U Bolton James B Bond William R Bond Robert F Bonner Robert F Bonomi Francis D Bordica Sterling A Borquist Ira G Bottoms (Fred) Wilfred M Boucher Frank J Bova Verne Bovie Henry J Bowman Hugh K Boyd John L Boyd James E Boyer Thaddeus L Boyle (Father) Stanley C Brach Otis L Bradford Stanley A Bradley Thomas L Brady Raymond C Brandt Laurence F Brant Robert P Breazeale Michael Brezas Desmond P Brien George R Britto Robert G Britton Charles E Brocker Sidney C Brockman Glenn P Brooks Harold T Brooks Maurice D Browell Alexander P Brown Clarence H Brown Harry M Brown Herbert W Brown Jr Joseph T Brown Kenneth M Brown Leslie W Brown Lloyd A Brown Earl W Browne William J Browne John W Browning William U Bruns Richard S Bryan Wright Bryan Albert D Bryant Arthur W Bryant Jr Anthony F Bucci Earl W Buchanan Frank J Buchholz William F Buchholz Arthur D Buckley Jr Earl E Buckley Charlie Buerger Thomas J Bugg Jr. Raleigh Bullard Francis D Burdick Arthur E Burgeson Floyd M Burgeson (Bill) William C Burghardt Ellmont L Burlingame Charles W Burns James Burns (Carlos) Charles W Burrows Thomas L Bursen Vernon M Burt William J Burtscher Hully H Bush Leo K Bustad George S Butler Donald W Caard Robert D Cable Francis C Callahan James F Callahan Michael J Calpin Craig D Campbell Joseph L Campbell John E Cannon Rodger Cannon Oscar C Cantrell Richard C Carder Samuel Carlick Ivan Carlisle Earl W Carlson Harry A Carlson John W Carlson Paul N Carnes Phillip J Caroselli James H Carpenter (Jack) John B Carpenter Richard W Carrier Harold J Carroll Amon G Carter Jr Robert D Carter Robert F Cary Horace A Casner August J Casper John Cassatt Ernest M Cassidy (Gene) Eugene A Castle Albert N Cecil Jr James J Cecka Jose D Cedillo Maurice Chandler William S Chaney Edward J.F. Chapin George G Chapman Glenn D Chapman Donald M Chappel Jr Roy J Chappell Jr Howard A Charlton Robert M Cheal Robert L Cheatham Jr Leonard F Cheatle James N Cherrick Marvin F Chevalier Elmer P Childers Irving Chofnas Carl P Christensen Robert C Christensen Milton A Christofferson Anthony Chrzanowski Anthony J Cipriani Pierre L Clair Raymond V Clampitt Francis Clark Wayne C Clark W R Clatworthy Harold P Claus Carmen F Clawson Eugene Clegg David W Clifton James Lee Clingan Rodney F Cloutman Clifford E Cobb George A Cobb James L Cockrell Carl F Coffey Douglas J Cole Newton R Cole James W Coles Frank H Colley James S Collopy Martin J Colson Roy H Comstock William C Comstock Robert H Conant James H Conroy Robert W Conwell Charles A Cook Jr John E Cook William N Cook William H Cooke William C Cool James D Cooney James W Copes David G Copping William J Corbett Frank H Corbin Robert L Corbin (Bill) Rolland W Corbin James Corcoran Thomas E Corcoran Lawrence J Corley Jack R Corrie William R Cory Ralph B Coss Michael F Cotter William L Coughlin Richard W Covert James B Cox Robert G Cox William A Cracraft Harold D Craft William S Crain John L Cramer Jr Albert J Crandall Robert W Crandall Horace J Cranmer John M Crawford Ralph E Crawford Robert C Crawford John L Creech Joseph W Creeden Henry N Crellin Brendan G Crennan Daniel W Crist David E Crocker Henry J Cronin Thomas E Crooks Franklyn J Crosby Leslie H Cross Donald E Crossland John C Crown John C Culler Jr Atlee B Culley Edwin A Cummings Ellsworth Cundiff (Jim) James R Cunningham Jr James K Cupit Roy W Cureton Michael J Curran Ralph E Currin Warren T Curtis Ralph M D'Annunzio Vincent A Dagort Charles A Dally Louis L Daloisio Eugene L Daniel Lark O Daniel III John T Daniels Mervin G Danielson Victor Danylik George L Daubenspeck Fitzgerald E Davis Glenn M Davis Harvey C Davis Irvin C Davis James E Davis James E Davis James K Davis John A Davis John H Davis Richard E Davis Robert E Davis Wilbert E Davis Robert M Dawson Pierre M.E. de Guillebon Bernard M.H. De La Lande Samuel De Leeuw John J De Martino Carey L De Mott John J De Pasquale Paul B De Toskey Adrian F Dedecker Edward DeGraf Thaddeus A Dejewski Raymond G DeJonge Durgin J DeLand James W Denman John R Dervay Henry M Desmond Arthur V Detmers James Robert Dew Louis J Di Bella Enio D Di Berto Vincent J Di Francesco Charles H Diamond James A Dicks John H Dicks (Frank) Jesse F Diggs Ernest L Dilburn John N Dimling Jr Francis A Dingen Jr Eugene W Dingledine John W Dobson Horace E Donaho George M Donovan Joseph L Dooley John H Doran Delbert Dorman Verne J Dornan Manley E Dotson Frank Dottalis Warren E Doughty Vern B Dowell Jr Milton E Dowse James L Doyle Jay A Drake Jr Kenneth M Drake Ned E Drake Thomas D Drake Stanley J Drewniak Boyd R Drewry Reuben J Drinkard Max Druckman Frederick W Drury Willard G Duckworth Edward Duffy John C Dugan Alan Dunbar Harry V Duncan Jr George H Dunkelberg R E Dunlap Charles E Dunn Cully Dunnam George L Durgin Lauren L Dustin Clarence H Dutkowski Saul Dworkin Philip J Dwyer Olin L Dyer Alfred O Dyroff Henry John Earl John F Earnshaw Roy A Easler Gilbert Eberart Charles G Eberle Robert E Eckman Douglas J Eddy Lester K Edsall Charles J Edwards Ernest L Edwards Eugene J Ehrlich John T Eichnor Hubert D Eldridge Willard D Elkins William T Ellermeyer George M Ellis Reid F Ellsworth Theodore R Ellsworth Alphonse S Elmer Joe R Emerson Jean Emond William N Engels David A Englander Richard Englehart Leo G Ennis Theodore M Enochs Jr Robert L Erb Edward M Erwin Eleuterio Q Estrada Bernard D Etzkorn Cecil B Eubanks Roger S Euler Arthur D Evans Harry E Evans James G Evans (Bing) Warren E Evans Bill B Everett Robert Ewing William M Ewing Arthur Exon Elbon B Ezell (Bill) William E Fabian John N Fahey Edward J Fairchild Leo J Farber Clifton R Farnum Sydney L Farr Wilfred F Farrell Kenneth L Faulk John E Fehl John T Feilen David Feldman Leonard Feldman Spencer P Felt Blondell T Fenton William E Ferencz Clarence M Ferguson Frederick J Ferguson Mutt L Ferguson Gustave C Ferris Alan B Ferry Charles M Few Hugo Fielschmidt Saul S Fiersteyn Maynard W Files Thomas B Finan Jr Leland B Finklea Kenneth Finlayson Vito A Fiorentino Leo W Fisher Garvin Fitton Richard L Flaherty DeWayne P Flanigan Robert P Fleege Benn Fleissig Eime E Flickinger Clarence Flink Lester D Folwell Clarence J Folz John R Fontenrose Harvey S Ford (Russ) Russell M Ford James P Forsyth John C Foster Philip F Foster Floyd G Fountain (Chas) Charles E Fowler William R Fox Stanley L Fragge Joseph H Francis Isaac E Franklin James G Fraser Robert M Frash Alfred R Fratzke Harry W Frazee Robert L Frazier Donald S Frederick Sidney I Fredrickson Charles A Free Charles W Freeman Gordon G Frey Joseph S Friedman Julius H Friedman Samuel Friedman Robert S Fritts William C Frodsham Harry Frost Wilbur E Fulkerson Brandon A Fullam Hurley Edward Fuller Louis D Fuller William A Fullerton James H Furey Ralph J Fusaro Robert D Gable Ross R Gahring Peter N Gaich Leo J Galash Jr Lawrence V Gallis Frank Gandler Richard J Ganley Ralph R Gann Edgar A Gans William J Garliner Franklin T Garrett Thurston Q Garrett Jr Herbert L Garris Joseph C Gasperich George P Gassman Earl E Gatzke Pierre R Gayraud William L Geddes Louis P Gendron Carl B Gerdts John L Gering Louis Gershenow Gabriel Gever Guy G Giacopuzzi Charles R Gibson Harold L Gibson Willard Gilbert Donald Gilinsky Walter L Gill James M Gillespie Stewart J Gillison Kenneth T Gingrich John A Gladys Albert J Glazier John W Gleason Ralph N Gleason James K Glendening John A Glendinning Charles F Glennon Harry W Glenz Irvin Glovinsky Robert Glynn Ray L Goad Joel G Gochenour Kenneth H Goddard James T Godfrey Carn A Godsey Leo J Golash David Gold Bert M Goldmann Samuel A Gondek John L Goode Paul R Goode Charles F Goodman Hyman E Goodman Selwyn Goodman Max H Gooler John Gordon Ted R Gorney Pierre G Gouachon Eugene J Gould Edward A Graf Peter C Graffagnino Anthony M Graham Walter A Graham James W Granberry Austin Granger Benton T Grant Donald O Graul Richard E Gray William R Gray Joseph R Green Seymour Green George I Greene Manuel Greenfield Charles Greenhill Peter S Greenwood Jr Thomas Griffin Vincent A Grimes Lorin Griset Eugene A Grissinger John A Groen Walter Grogan Ernest M Gruenberg William C Guest Kenneth S Gussler Sam Gwosden William H Haag Francis M Habig Arthur J Hacker Lloyd D Haelfs Edwin C Haggard Glenn H Hale Robert B Haley Leland B Halk James L Hall Raymond S Hall Bert S Halle Daniel F Hallisey Charles O.B. Hamblin John D Hamilton Thomas M Hamilton William M Hammer Homer H Hammond Frank P Hancock Leland J Hancock Edward B Hanley George J Hannan John J Hannan Jr James J Hannon Carl F Hansen Carl V Hansen Kermit Hansen Richard L Hansler William Hanson Jr Eads G Hardaway Ronald R Hardy Warren D Hardy William L Harlow Thomas D Harmon Ivan Harper William R Harrell Hugh J Harries Gralc W Harriman William J Harrington James N Harris Edmund P Harrison Brantley B Hart Herbert J Hart Ollie C Hart Aloysius F Harter William M Harter Dallas C Hartford Donald G Hartley John J Hasson Jr Jerome R Hatch Ralph E Hauptly Harry G Hauschild James Hawkins Herbert J Hawthorne Herbert W Hayes Henry W Haynes William P Haynes III Robert T Hazlett Frank C Healy James T Heard Patrick Heathcote Robert E Hedden George Frank Heidt Jr Richard D Heil Lloyd R Heinze Walter Christof Heisler Aurel S Heller Francis A Hellner Richard C Helms Edward W Helwig Donald G Hemler James L Henderson Robert A.I. Henderson Vernon S Henderson Earl R Hendrecks Bernard G Hengge Louis Jackson Henniger Robert M Hennon Edward G Henrichson Robert T Henry Robert H Herenus William W Heritage Lambert B Hermelink George L Herr Clyde E Herring Paul L Herring Roy J Herte Lawrence J Hess James F Hesse Ormond M Hessler Larry M Hewin Aubrey Hicks Clifford J Hicks John H Higgins Laurence B Higgins Martin J Higgins Jr William F Higgins Jonel C Hill William P Hill John F Hinchcliffe DeLorma L Hinckley Jr William Hindelang Howard K Hinds Joseph W Hinerman Robert Hirsch Edward O Hirt Wilbur G Hobbs Samuel N Hodges Jr Paul W Hodnette Myrl J Hodson Arthur E Hoell Earl W Hoffman George Hoffman Hugh G Hogan Preston R Hogue William J Hohenadel Howard Randolph Holder Frank W Holland John W Holland Thomas H Holland John C Hollinger Ray E Holmquist Carl Henry Everett Holmstrom Thomas M Holt Ralph Homesiey Elmer D Honkamp Wilbur Huntington Hooker Walter G Hopkins Jr Paul E Horne Nathaniel R Hoskot William E Hotaling Ralph J Houghton Arthur J Houle Jr Homer B Howard Charles H Howell Joseph Hryhorec A D Hubanks Verris C Hubbell Robert T Huber Roy T Huber Woodrow W Hubka Robert B Hudson Howard L Huggett Charles R Hughes Fredrick K Hughes H W Hughes Marcellus C Hughes Thomas A Hughes Jr Edward D Humphrey Donald R Hunker Lynn M Hunsaker (Skip) Carl J Hunsinger Earnest D Hurdman Robert S Hutchison John B Huyett Jr Kenneth W Hyatt Frederick C Hyrne Andrew Hysick Leroy C Ihrie Douglas H Imlah Wayne O Immekus Daniel Ireton Roy O Irvin William C Israel Abraham Jacobs Jerome Jacobs Paul G Jacobs Roy C Jacobs William H Jarret Milton S Jellison Albert S Jenkin Russell L Jenkins Frank Jensen Theodore R John Benjamin Johns Donald W Johnson Duane A Johnson Errol P Johnson Frederick A Johnson Jr Gerald H Johnson Herbert A Johnson Jr Kenneth A. L. Johnson Randall A Johnson Roger Johnson Stanley J Johnson Thomas P Johnson Thomas R Johnson Thomas U Johnson Warren G Johnson Paul W Johnston Howard J Johnstone Edgar E Joiner Lloyd C Jonas Charles H Jones Jr Charles L Jones Curtis S Jones David Jones Harold I Jones Hugh J. Morris Jones John T Jones Jr Lyman M Jones III Ralph L Jones Robert P Jones Sherman F Jones William K Jones David M Jonx James Jordan George Juskalian Milton F Justad John O Kadar John Kader David Kakac Clayton V Kallander (Dr) John H Kamps Jimmie Kanaya Stephen W Kane Robert L Kanipe Victor Kanners Carl J Kasper Meyer Kastan Erwin R Kaufman Herbert R Kaun Edward Kazarian Jack D Kazebeer Bartley E Kearins Delmer C Keck Robert D Keeler Walter E Keenan Walter I Keisel Martin E Keiser Robert M Keith Richard H Kellahan William T Kelley Metzie J Kelly Arnold P Kelm Orville Kelman Harmon S Kelsey William T Kelso Collins W Kendrick Jr Duane S Kennedy Gibson B Kennedy James W Kent John J Kent Jr William K Kerfoot Samuel Kesler Merton R Kibler William P Kielmeyer Charles Kierniesky George E Kiley Virgil D Kilgore Richard W Kimball Charles L Kincheloe Kenneth King Roy L King Wilbur H King David T Kingston Harry F Kirby Eugene P Kirk Orville K Kirkpatrick Edward B Kitchens Clarion J Kjeldseth Brooks E Kleber Jack W Klepper William R Kleysteuber Stanley F Klimuszka Chester B Klingerman Ray J Klinkenborg Austin L Knapp Gerald E Knight James J Koch Steven J Kochy Edmund F Koli (Bill) William B Korber Harold F Korger Edward Korn Charles W Kouns Vladimir B Kovac Andrzeij Kozakowski John Kozey Jr Robert C Kozuch Robert W Krall Robert L Kramer Andrew J Krepela Charles T Krol Jr Gus J Kroschewsky Harvey C Kubista John D Kuligoski Edgar H Kummer Paul A Kunkle Joseph T Kusmierz Walter J Kwolek Frank Labak Paul A LaChance Dale P Lahrstadt Ernest P Lalis Walter R Lamb Fred W Lambdin Paul D Lampru William G Lancaman Jack R Laneford Robert M Langley Newton W Lantron John F Lanzendorfer Leonard J Lanzilotti James J Larkin Nicholas T Laskaris James F Laudig John V Laughlin Charles J Lause Leon E Lavender Martin J Lawler James C Laws Thomas E Lawson William J Leach Larry O Leas Arthur Greenleaf Leckie Lloyd L LeClair Royal I Lee Webster R Lee Ralph Leindorf William H Leitsch Floyd Leming Woodrow W Lennon Alton A Lentz Arthur W LeSage Jr Edward M Lescanec Jesse B Leslie Jr Solomon Lesnow Henry Leveque de Vilmorin Robert E Levin Solomon Levy Daniel R Lewandowski Edward Lewe Joseph Lewin Arch J Lewis Jr Benjamin Lewis James C Lewis Henri Jean Leymarie Anthony R Libertore John P Liekar Francis E Liggett William G Lindaman William S Linning (Jim) James Curtis Lisenbe Howard Litsky Thomas F Littlejohn Herman Littman Curtis F Livingston James M Lloyd Robert W Lobb Edward M Lockard James W Lockett Fred R Lodge Joe F Lohrengel Gerald Long Harry B Long Vernon V Long William F Loomis John C Loos Eugene E Loper Philip Lord Harry F Lorenzen Durward B Lott Leslie E Lowe Lewis W Lowe Orville T Lowe Paul V Lowell George A Lucey Albert A Lumdberg Tony B Lumpkin George T Lumsden Donald A Lussenden William W Luttrell Raymond Lyons James J MacArevey Joseph E MacEachon Donald V MacFadden Harris O Machus James A MacIsaac Donald Mackintosh Richard MacWhorter Dalton Y Madson (Tom) Thomas R Magee Carl D Maginity Sven J Magnusson John Terrence Maguire James T Maher Frank T Mahlstedt George Maibach (Bill) William R Makepeace Jr Rudolph J Malchiodi Arthur E Mallory Charles Mangieri Joseph M Mann James M Mannix Jr Richard M Manton Ralph E Manuel Weldon L Maples Paul D Marable Jr George S Marak Stephen Marcisak Vahan J Marderian Frederic S Marks Allen A Marksian Marlow Jack C Marlowe Raymond Lee Marnien Bruce R Martin Don E Martin John R Martin William V Martz Otto Masny Peter B Mason Richard M Mason Franklin H Masonheimer Melvin B Massey Marvin M Matheson John L Mathis George H Matthews John B Mattingly Murray M Mattleman Frank W. Maxwell Jr. Darrell E May Donald L May Jerry E Mazoroff Samuel C McAdams Donald E McAlpine Myrl N McArthur John A McAuley Robert W McBride Henry V McCabe Morris K McCarver Charles F McClure David C McConnaughey Alvin G McCormick Charles M McCoy Lory Lester McCullough John V McDermott John B McDonald Eugene Michael McDonough Charles J McElligott George W McGee Owen D McGee Edward P McGehee Jr David McIlroy Neill P McInnis Robert B McIntire Philip D McIntyre James W McKay Jr Richard J McKay Wilbur E McKee Clifford D McKeon John S McKnight John T McKnight Ralston McLaughlin John M McLeod Patrick McLoughlin James McQuillan Thomas J.W. McSherry Merle A Meacham Niram Jason Meadows Max R Medema Dalton Y Medlen Harry G Meeleus Lewis R Meisenhelter Clarence R Meltesen Arthur R Mendenhall Harry A Mesimer Richard T Meskell Clayton G Metcalf Stephen J Michalek Michael H Milby Richard C Miles Bruce F Miley Harold H Miley Albert F Miller Jr. Daniel B Miller Elmer L Miller James C Miller Jr Jay R Miller John W Miller Paul C Miller Robert A Miller Robert B Miller Jr Robert J Miller Russel D Miller Sidney C Miller Thomas E Miller Jr George V Millett Jr Robert P Milligan John W Mills Peter Mirakian Joseph Mirtel Fred G Mitchell James S Mitchell Thomas A Mitchell Jr Thomas J.M. Mitchell Takeichi T Miyashiro Irving Moehling Fritz E Moeller Jeremiah W Moher John J Mohn William D Mohn James A Momper George W Monaghan (Jack) James J Monaghan William D Monahan Edward Monks John Monks Jr Myrick L Monroe Nelson P Monson Charles A Montjoy Gregory G Montreville William P Moon Jr Charles W Moore Howard L Moore Louis E Moore Lynne L Moore Milton M Moore Sr Robert G Moorhead John H Moorman Jr Robert Moranda James M Morford Jr William H Morgan Morgenrath Andrew J Morriem Henry L Morris William H Morris John Charles Morrisey Jr Frederick D Morrison Arthur Daniel Morrow Thomas S Morse Thomas O Morton Jr Edgar P Moschel Alfred H Moss George M Muehlbauer Frederick W Mueller Hugh G Muldrow James H Munford Nicholas Van Munson John Murman Hill T Murphy John I Murphy Paul J Murphy Thomas A Murphy William H Murphy Everett R Murray Chester L Myers Elmer L Myers George Myron Lawrence J Naab Louis Nash Norbert J Nawn Rosario A Neglia Alfred C Nelson Carl W Nelson Edor C Nelson Fordney L Nelson Jerry Nelson James C Nesbit Walter B Newbury Orville L Nicholas James T Nick William A Nielsen Ralph E Niffenegger Francis J Noonan Warren H Nord Enoch L Northcutt James L Norwood William R Notbohm William J Nowak (Shorty) Frank B Nowlin Boyce Nunnally Stanley M O'Brien Harry J O'Connor John J O'Connor Jr Olan T O'Connor Thomas J O'Connor Padraig M O'Dea John E O'Donnell Daniel F O'Leary Joseph J O'Leary John P O'Neill Robert M O'Neill Walter M Oakes Olin O Odom Jr Harry L Offutt Donald A Ohl Warren R Ohlhorst Robert W Oker John C Oldfield Frank Olevsky Dave C Olson Gustav H Olson Bernard A Opitz Rea W Orr Giuseppi Orsini Frutoso H Ortiz Everett H Ortner Frederick J Orton Earl E Osborne Robert J Oshlo Gordon B Oskerson Fred C Ostrander (Lou) Louis W Otterbein George W Oughton Robert Oulette John E Pacheco Henry Page Amelio B Palluconi Robert S Palmer Charles L Palumbo Thomas H Paris Grover P Parker Julius G Parker Richard B Parker John H Parkin Walter S Parks Jr George E Parrish Marion A Parrott Raymond B Parsons Edwin H Patterson Harvey D Patterson Jr Randall B Patterson Roy W Pattison John R Patton Robert A Patty William W Paty Jr Andrew H Paulishen Julius J Paull Vernon L Paulson Theodore A Pawloski Robert F Payne Jim L Peachey Roderick L Peeples Alain Pellat Dwight R Pelton Holmes E Penn Carl C Pennington Clenzy R Penwell Salvatore W Pepitone Arnold P Perkins Henry G Perry Jr Thomas C Perry Michael J Persinko Stanley H Peters Burrill Peterson John Peyton John F Pfeffer (Larry) Lawrence J Phelan Edward E Phillips Louis R Pickering Woodrow L Pickhardt Harry S Picou Thomas C Piddington Michael J Piecuch Albert A Pierard William M Pieratt Richard M Pierce Robert E Pierce Jr Herbert M Pike Alvin J Pimsler Ralph E Pinnick Gust E Pinoris George F Piro Weldon L Plants Jack Plummer Robert C Plummer Walter P Podosek Howard W Poe James E Poe John H Polk Jack A Pontlitz Herbert Popok Charles R Porter George D Poston Charles H Posz Phillip G Poteet Yves Poussier George B Powell Rocco P Pravidica Marshall Prentice Kernal B Presley Stephen W Price Wilbur M Price Raymond D Prince Henry L Pritchett Jr Edgar N Proctor Irvin J Prokes Clarence L Prosser William L Pryor Frank P Purcell Robert Purkiss Heighter L Purks Warren J Queeney Tadeusz F Radwanski John A Raffetto Jr Nicholas S Rahal James Franklin Ralstin Eugene L Ranck Robert Rankin Edward C Ransburg Dwight W Rappleye (Jack) John H Rathbone Joseph R Raub Charles R Ray James E Ray Kenneth B Read George J Reavey Isham Reavis John Chester Reed William Reeves Dennis J Regan Alfred J Reid William E Reid Walts O Reil Robert H Rein Victor W Renz Robert B Reppa Robert C Reynolds (Dusty) Ed D Rhoades Harold V Richard Thomas W Richardson Stanton D Richart Francis K Richwine Thomas J Riggs James A Rightley James A Riley Edmon L Rinehart Robert K Ringwald Pierre Rinjonneau George Rischmuller Dana F Riser (Gawky) James H Ritts Luther B Robbins Farnfst R Roberson Jr Donald P Roberts Grover C Roberts Ormond A Roberts (Chas) Charles A Robertson Jr Emanuel M Robertson Alvin R Robin Byron D Robinson Hervey H Robinson Randolph Robinson Harry A Rock Donald L Rockwell John S Rodda John R Rodgers Salvatore J Rodino Adam B Rodriguez George W Rogers (Jess) Jeff Rogers (Teddy) Ted Roggen Albert Romano Bernard J Romig Thomas A Roney Edward E Rooney Anthony E Rose Robert J Rose Lawrence M Rosenberg George J Rosenthal Alexander Ross Richard M Rossbach Eldon L Rothermel Francis V Roy Jr Arnold Rubin Donald T Ruby William E Rudel James M Rudnicky Robert Rummer Thomas D Rush Darrell A Russel Chesley B Russell Michael A Russo Herman L Rutledge George Ruvbach C Andrew Ryan Stanley J Rydzewski Jr Frederick Saam Edward Sabo Nathan Sachnowitz Jerry M Sage Roger I Sagear Edward L Sager Lucien Saint-Sauveur Samuel M Sakamoto (Doc) Louis Salerno Adam P Salkind Oren R Salmons John M Samonds Jr Edwin N Sanborn William W Sanborn John P Sandford Albert W Saul Harry J Sauter Joseph Savage Robert E Savage Henry J Savine Floyd M Saxton William H Schaefer Joseph A Scheider Clarence J Scherer James F Schildt William B Schlismann James R Schmitz George H Schneider Joseph A Schneider Walter L Schoener Lester G Schoonover James L Schueler Hugo V Schuenemann John S Schuessler Ernest A Schulbach Henry G Schulte Harry T Schultz Ronald Edward Schulz Hy S Schumeister John S Schwab Jack W Scott Richard C Scott Richard P Scott Robert S Scott Edward Scrace John J Scully Jr Paul Scully Carl E Seabranch Thomas L Seanor Gerald F Searle John B Secor Richard W Secor Albert L Seeger George Seeman Stanley J Segal Gabriel Serda Joseph E Seringer John Shahbaz Joseph Shaltis Charles M Shanahan James F Shank Wilbur B Sharpe George F Sharra Emmet J Shaughnessay Seymour Shefrin David M Sheketoff Henry G Shepherd James W Sherman James Sherrick John H Sherrill Jr John Shidemantel Hisae Joseph H Shimatsu John B Shinn Jr Roger L Shinn John F Shirk James Riley Shoaf II Thomas R Shockey Donald J Shook Ray A Shouse William G Shrete William A Shular Jr Robert H Shultz Earl P Sidle Jr Vernor E Siebert Herbert M Siercks Thornton V Sigler Chet (lain) A Sigmen Julian M Sikes Gerald L Siler Thomas W Silva John C Simcik Gardner M Simes Clarence E Simmons John W Simmons Sr Orville R Simmons James J Sims Jr John R Siska Anthony S Sito James F Skells Carroll B Skinner John F Slack Ira R Slagter William C Slanina Glen A Slaughter John K Slingluff Rex H Slinkard Vincent J Slomka Dallas B Smith Duane Smith Francis M Smith Frank M Smith Gordon K Smith Jack E Smith John P Smith Leland V Smith Martin E Smith Marvin V Smith Matthew C Smith Raymond W Smith Robert L Smith Roland J Smith Ronald J Smith (Smitty) Roy J Smith William J Smith William W Smith Williard (NMI) Smith Earl A Smoak Jr Charles V Snider Jr Harold E Snyder Andrew R Sokerka Richard C Soliday Samuel E Solmer Frederic D Sommers Jerrell W Southern Vance C Spalding Joseph A Spano James Sparkman George H Sparks Horace M Spaulding Vando S Spaulding Paul E Spayde (Bill) Kenneth R Speas Leonard W Spence Edgar A Spicher Norman H Spitzer Harold S Spurgin John A Stansell Stanley P Starkowicz Rupert D Starr Raymond Steinke Andrew Steranchak Stanley B Stetson Francis B Stevens John M Stevens Donald B Stewart Eldon Y Stewart (Jack) John W Stewart Donald B Stillwagon William K Stiverson Walter W Stockton Charles Martin Stoehr John H Stone Solomon Stone (Bill) Wilcher C Stotts Nicholas Stozic Fay M Straight Edwin F Strauss D'Nuncio B Streett Orville K Stroup Edward H Stumpe Levi W Sturtevant (Chas) Charles F Sullivan Jr John R Sullivan Julian T Sullivan R C Sullivan Raymond H Sumner John R Sutherland Winston M Sutter Everett G Sutton Robert M Sutton Benjamin C Swaim William R Swanson James L Sweeney William R Sweeney Jack N Sweet Harry W Sweeting Norman Swick Joseph Swift Leroy J Swindlehurst Perry D Swindler Bernard S Synowka Raymond Szafranski Nelson C Tacy Zoltan Takacs Harold L Tallman Louis H Tankin Thomas K Tannler William F Tappen Charles F Tate George W Tate James F Tate James B Tatum Leopold C Taulemesse Albert L Taylor Elton B Taylor George Taylor Jr Loyd A Taylor Robert L Taylor James Teason Ralph D Tedeschi Patrick A Teel Gunnar J Teilmann Garhardus Terpstra Ralph A Terrell Roger J Teyssier Sidney Thal Lawrence B Thibodeau Leo V Thieme Berton M Thomas George D Thomas Murrell E Thomas Oscar J.H. Thomas Russell L Thomas Thomas S Thomas Michael N Thome Morris E Thompson Robert T Thompson Sheldon Thompson Thomas W Thompson Vinton Thomson John J Thornquist Paul J Thriffiley Jr Jack H Tidwell Harvey A Todd Maurice Topping Richard H Torrence Alexander H Townsend Charles E Trainor Patrick W Trainor David E Trice Francis H Tripp Jr McKie M Trotter III Patrick K Truesdell John D Truett Carl C Tschantz Osie O Turner Temple W Tutwiler II William T Tway Joseph Tyrell William G Ullery Martin Upperco (Len) Floyd Leonard M. Vaden Kenneth Valentine Louis E Vallette Monell Van Fredenberg Charles D Van Gorder Richard P Van Syckle John H Van Vliet Jr Edwin Varela John C Vargo Salvatore Vasile Garland F Vaughn Sr James C Vaughn Enrico Joseph Verga Anthony L Vetrano Jr John W Vicek Charles L Victor Euell M Vinson Frank M Vinson Jr Herman N Volheim John T Vollentine Karl F Von Martinitz Richard S Von Schriltz Abner E Votaw Kenneth L Vyn Leo L Wacker Faires P Wade James M Wade Philip M Wade Donald R Waful Charles W Wagner Sid Waldman James W Walker Lewis Walker William T Wall Howard S Wallis Merrill L Walrath Robert Walters (Wildcat) Warren E Walters Homer Walton Homer Walton Harold Wamboldt Edwin O'Dell Ward Patrick B Ward Irving D Warden Justin J Ware Albert P Warezerlonis Harvey L Warner E Joe B Warren Leonard H Warren Lloyd C Warren Woodley C Warrick William D Warthen John Knight Waters Robert M Watt Jr James H Watts Richard R Waugh Austin E Webb John M Webb Randall L Webb Marcus W Weber James T Webster Howard F Weckle Jr James C Weekly Robert M Weigand C Robert Weimer William Weinstein Henry J Weintraub Robert C Wenger Walter F Werner Donald R Wernette Robert R Wessels Hobert West John M Weston Bertrum A Wheeler James H Wheeler Jr Allen T White Arnold C White Charles E White Harvey D White James A White Jr Roger C White Ted L White Vincent C White Clarence D Whitenack Ray L Whiteturkey Morgan A Whitfield Roger Whiting Harrison S Whitman William C Whorley Robert H Wick Clarence L Wickersham Edward J Wiergacz Walter E Wiggins Lumund Wilcox Paul C Wiley Charles M Wilkinson Donald Leverne Wilkinson Charles D Willia Dan G Williams George H Williams Henry G Williams John T Williams Otho R Williams Jr Roger Williams Thomas J. C. Williams (Chum) Carmen Alan Williamson George Williamson Warren J Williamson Charles E Willis Keith Willis Leroy E Willis Charles W Willoughry Jack Wills Glenn N Wilson Wallace M Wilson Henry J Winblad Leonard F Wing Thomas H Wingate Oscar A Wingren Clifford A Winton Albert W Winwood Robert H Wise Arthur F Wiseman Edward Wisniewski Charles R Witt Eugene M Witt Stanley E Wojas Harry S Wood Hollis B Wood (Judge) James H Wood Jean L Wood John C Wood Jr Richard W Wood Edward P Woods Charles S Worrell David B Wright Hiram J Wright William E Wright Jr John H Wugan Henry J Wynsen Doyle R Yardley (Irv) Irving J Yarock William G Yates Edward J Yenco Charles F Yetter Adam B Young James C Young James F Young Robert Young George Yovanovich John R Yows Milton W Zahn Thomas S Zakely Joseph J Zelazny Jr Orpha T Ziegler Harold Zucker Jon M Zumsteg
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The data for this roster was provided by Bob Thompson and Dean Bright. It was originally researched and created by Herb Garris and Clarence Meltesen with information from the Defense Department. This database is hosted by The Hillbilly Geek.
For database corrections, please contact us here. Last update: 18 September/24.

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