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Click to view Looking for Lost Men, Dean Bright’s research, as a pdf in spreadsheet format. [Note: this is an 11MB file]

Ashcraft, Carey E. 1st Lt : 513997
350 Inf 88 ID
21 September 1944 1-Jan-45 Imola, Italy
Oflag 64 RMC
Keith M Abbott Louis Abdu Wilbert A Abel Harry H Abrahams Henry P Ackerman Joseph D Adams John Addison Frederick A Ade William T Aikin Joseph C.L. Ainsworth John J Aires James W Ake Wallace Leon Akin Richard A Alberts Robert N Alday John T Alden Albert G Alderton Howard V Alexander John E Alexander Jr. William A Alexander (Jerry) Edward J Alexis James Dyce Alger John D Allardice Ervin D Allen Larry Allen Charles R Allison Norman L Alloway John R Allred Robert G Altman Mateo P Alvarado Benedict Vincent Amato Otto Carl Amerell Lyle W Amy James W Anastos Everette R Anderson Gunnar A Anderson Jack W Anderson Mays W Anderson Ralph W Anderson Norman S Angel William H Angevine Ernest D Ankrom Adro J Annala Louis Annunziata Edward Anthony Rodney W Applegate Armando Arias Harold W Armstrong Robert L Aschim Carey E Ashcraft Frank N Aten John B Austin Joseph A Austin S M Awramir Peter D Ayling
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About This Page...

The data for this roster was provided by Bob Thompson and Dean Bright. It was originally researched and created by Herb Garris and Clarence Meltesen with information from the Defense Department. This database is hosted by The Hillbilly Geek.
For database corrections, please contact us here. Last update: 18 September/24.

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