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Click to view Looking for Lost Men, Dean Bright’s research, as a pdf in spreadsheet format. [Note: this is an 11MB file]

Purcell, Frank P. 1st Lt : 1297426
-- 28 ID
11 September 1944 3-Dec-44 Schmidt, Germany
Oflag 64 RMC
John E Pacheco Henry Page Amelio B Palluconi Robert S Palmer Charles L Palumbo Thomas H Paris Grover P Parker Julius G Parker Richard B Parker John H Parkin Walter S Parks Jr George E Parrish Marion A Parrott Raymond B Parsons Edwin H Patterson Harvey D Patterson Jr Randall B Patterson Roy W Pattison John R Patton Robert A Patty William W Paty Jr Andrew H Paulishen Julius J Paull Vernon L Paulson Theodore A Pawloski Robert F Payne Jim L Peachey Roderick L Peeples Alain Pellat Dwight R Pelton Holmes E Penn Carl C Pennington Clenzy R Penwell Salvatore W Pepitone Arnold P Perkins Henry G Perry Jr Thomas C Perry Michael J Persinko Stanley H Peters Burrill Peterson John Peyton John F Pfeffer (Larry) Lawrence J Phelan Edward E Phillips Louis R Pickering Woodrow L Pickhardt Harry S Picou Thomas C Piddington Michael J Piecuch Albert A Pierard William M Pieratt Richard M Pierce Robert E Pierce Jr Herbert M Pike Alvin J Pimsler Ralph E Pinnick Gust E Pinoris George F Piro Weldon L Plants Jack Plummer Robert C Plummer Walter P Podosek Howard W Poe James E Poe John H Polk Jack A Pontlitz Herbert Popok Charles R Porter George D Poston Charles H Posz Phillip G Poteet Yves Poussier George B Powell Rocco P Pravidica Marshall Prentice Kernal B Presley Stephen W Price Wilbur M Price Raymond D Prince Henry L Pritchett Jr Edgar N Proctor Irvin J Prokes Clarence L Prosser William L Pryor Frank P Purcell Robert Purkiss Heighter L Purks
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About This Page...

The data for this roster was provided by Bob Thompson and Dean Bright. It was originally researched and created by Herb Garris and Clarence Meltesen with information from the Defense Department. This database is hosted by The Hillbilly Geek.
For database corrections, please contact us here. Last update: 18 September/24.

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